​​​​​​​Due to the volatile security situation involving persistent attacks against civilians, the food and nutrition crisis has worsened in the Centre-Nord region of Burkina Faso. This insecurity severely compromised the last agricultural season, and farmers across the region were highly concerned about their safety as the next agricultural season approached earlier this year. ​​​​​​​

For Mande and her husband, the challenge was twofold. In addition to the security risks, the pair did not have a seed reserve or the sufficient finances to purchase seeds in the market in Pissila. The family’s future was highly insecure, and they were unsure if they could meet their food and nutritional needs. However, in April 2020, Mande was identified as a beneficiary of the Victory Against Malnutrition Plus’ (ViMPlus) agricultural distribution and cash transfer program developed to help households overcome these very challenges.

ViMPlus successfully implemented its agricultural distribution and cash transfer program earlier this year. During June and July, ViMPlus distributed agricultural inputs, such as sorghum and cowpea seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides, in eight communes of Centre-Nord. ViMPlus ultimately reached around 9,000 poor and extremely poor households in its zone of influence, including Mande and her husband.

“When we were told that the seeds were available in Pissila, we were so happy that we couldn’t wait our turn. My husband and I went to Pissila three times.”


A few months after the inputs distribution, the ViMPlus team visited the Mande’s farm, and the results were incredible. Although the Activity provided enough inputs for only half a hectare, Mande and her husband had sown more than one hectare of sorghum and about half a hectare of cowpeas. In fact, the pair had taken out a small credit to enable them to plant on their entire plot of land.

Mande also participated in ViMPlus’ cash transfer program. As part of this program, over 3,000 households will receive four unconditional cash transfers of nearly $57 (FCFA 32,000) to ensure they have the resources necessary to meet their food needs. ​​​​​​​

“One day we were in the field, and I received a call on my phone to tell me that I received money from ViMPlus. My husband looked at [the cellphone], and there was FCFA 32,000.”


Mande just received her second and third cash transfers from the program, and the fourth transfer will be sent in October.

Today, Mande’s fields of sorghum and cowpeas are growing well, and she and her family are not stressed by debt or lack of food. Many families in Centre-Nord, like Mande’s, can rest assured knowing that they will make it through this agricultural season. ​​​​​​​


