USAID Agro Horizon Project and private-sector partner, Oasis Agro, LLC celebrate the launch of its partnership to support growth of the livestock sector in southern Kyrgyzstan.  (l to r:  Kimberly Rosen, USAID Mission Director; Sung Jung, Director, Oasis Agro; Jumataev Cholpanbek, Representative of the Ministry of Agriculture; U.S. Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic, Sheila Gwaltney; Almaz Sazbakov, Deputy Minister of Economy; Agnes Luz, Chief of Party, USAID Agro Horizon Project; David Buckner, General Director, Oasis Agro

BISHKEK – On Tuesday, November 22, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched its partnership with Oasis Agro, LLC, a commercial feed concentrate producer.  The signing ceremony highlighted the alliance that leverages the private sector company’s expertise to achieve economic development in the Kyrgyz Republic. The partnership will enable Oasis Agro to equip a feed laboratory and construct 2,000 metric tons of grain storage facilities, install a feed making equipment capable of producing 30 metric tons per day, and diversify into milk processing and cheese making.  This partnership will allow USAID and Oasis Agro to support over 1,100 farmers with training and better quality feed so they can increase their productivity and sales by an estimated $700,000 by the end of 2018.  Oasis Agro will put in resources amounting to $590,776 into this new business venture.  They anticipate an increase in their own sales of over $1 million.  Public-Private partnerships are an innovative approach that USAID invests in to promote economic growth and increase employment in the agriculture sector.
