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U.S. Department of Agriculture Food for Progress Jamaica Spices

Global spice demand for use in food, seasonings, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceuticals continues to grow. With their distinctive flavors and …

ACDI/VOCA Awarded the Feed the Future Tanzania Kilimo Tija Activity

We are pleased to announce that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has named ACDI/VOCA to lead the Feed …

Feed the Future Tanzania Kilimo Tija

Kilimo Tija is a five-year, $37.9M activity that will transform the Tanzanian horticulture market system into a more vibrant, competitive, …

Ovidiu Bujorean

Ovidiu Bujorean is a senior technical director specializing in partnerships and catalyzing investments in the West Africa region. Ovidiu works …

ACDI/VOCA Awarded the Market Driven Rural Development Activity by USAID

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded ACDI/VOCA an associate award under the Farmer-to-Farmer cooperative agreement to lead the …

Market Driven Rural Development Activity

The five-year Market Driven Rural Development Activity will accelerate Tajikistan’s agriculture sector growth to enable inclusive access to economic opportunities …

USAID Laos Microenterprise Facilitates Better Agricultural Machinery Maintenance

Farmers in rural Laos rely on machine technology to reduce the amount of labor and time they dedicate to farming …

Rural Communes in Guinea’s Siguiri Learn Self-Financing through Village Savings and Loan Associations

Communities supported by the Siguiri Agricultural Development Activity are adopting the village savings and loan association model.  Access to finance …


AV Ventures’ Portfolio Company AgroCenta Joins U.S.-Based Accelerator for Food Tech Startups

Over the next three months, the technology-driven agricultural platform provider AgroCenta, an investee company of AV Ventures founded in Ghana …

Alex Pavlovic

Alex serves as chief of party of the Big Small Business Project, USAID’s flagship development project supporting small- and medium-sized …

$20 Million Loan Guarantee for SMEs Launches in Zambia with Support of Local Government, Donors, and Private Sector

A newly launched loan guarantee program in Zambia has the potential to significantly impact the lives of small- and medium-sized …

Zambia-EDGE-Volunteer story_Dr. Mark Wade

U.S.-Based Volunteer Supports Month-Long Training of Zambian Agribusinesses Online and In-Person

Dr. Mark Wade is an international consultant, researcher, teacher, speaker, and author from Fort Pierce, Florida. He holds a BS …