Kenya-LMS-Raphael-Ewoi-poultry farmer

Sustaining Livelihoods through Poultry Farming in Northern Kenya

Thirty-four-year-old Raphael Ewoi is a poultry farmer living in Towokanyeni Village in Kakuma Town, located in Turkana West, a sub-county of Kenya’s Turkana County. Before venturing into the poultry business, Raphael had short-term contracts with a local non-governmental …

Bangladesh RDC sesame advisory services

Feed the Future Bangladesh Activity Expands Export-Led Sesame Sector and Improves Local Livelihoods

In 2018, the Feed the Future Bangladesh Rice and Diversified Crops Activity identified sesame as a marginal crop with a …

Food Systems Series: ACDI/VOCA Empowers Women and Youth in Food Systems

Action Track 4: Livelihoods and Equality Food Systems Suffer From Gender and Social Inequalities Women are key contributors to food …

Food Systems Series: ACDI/VOCA Transforms Food Systems for Sustainability

ACTION TRACK #2: SHIFT TO SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION PATTERNS The Current Food System Is Unsustainable Food is a vital component of …

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Private Sector Partners of the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity

Access the Private Sector Partners list, published June 2021

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Results and Impacts of the Feed the Future Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity

Access the project brochure, published June 2021

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Stories of Change from the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity

Access “Stories of Change,” published June 2021

Ethiopia_man with cow stock

Tackling Food Security, COVID-19, and Armed Conflict in Ethiopia

Almost six month ago, amid growing concerns of the impact of COVID-19, an armed conflict erupted between Ethiopian federal government troops and Tigray-led forces. Ethiopia was …

Kenya_LMS_Turkana Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce Transforms To Better Serve Traders & Community in Northern Kenya

Picture Northern Kenya’s Turkana County and arid lands and people struggling with hunger may come to mind. For decades, residents …

Kenya_LMS_Mount Marsabit womens group

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Businesses in Northern Kenya Report Released

The Feed the Future USAID Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity studied the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on 168 businesses …

Liberia_FIFES_beekeeping story

Beekeeping Protects Biodiversity & Offers Alternative Livelihoods for Liberian Women

Harvesting honey is a job traditionally associated with men because they are more able to work the late hours required …

Kenya_LMS_Daud Diba_poultry farmer

Diversified Livelihoods Increase Incomes for Pastoralist Communities in Kenya

A few kilometers from Isiolo town in central Kenya, off the Isiolo – Marsabit highway, lies the ever-expanding Burat Ward. Located on the extensive savannah plain, the developing community of homesteads speaks to …