Kenya LMS GIRL success story

Young Women Contribute to Food Security & Nutrition in Northern Kenya

Talaso Bonaya lives in Toricha village in the North Horr sub-county of Northern Kenya’s Marsabit County. Growing up in a …

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Emergency Response Program Cultivates Hope in Colombia’s La Guajira Desert

In January 2022, ACDI/VOCA completed Emergency Response in Colombia (ERIC), a program funded by USAID’s Bureau of Humanitatian Assistance, in …

Honduras TMS MSME grant story

Seed Capital to Revive Crisis-Stricken Businesses in Cortés, Honduras

In many parts of the world, micro, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Honduras struggle to secure loans from formal …

USAID Program Reaffirms Commitment to Reconciliation with Colombian Media Outlets

Two events held in Bucaramanga and Bogotá, Colombia, recently helped spread awareness of lessons learned and future opportunities for reconciliation …

Q&A with Veteran Volunteer on Latest Remote Assignment with a Georgian Fishery

Joe Sullivan is an aquaculture expert and fish pathologist who has completed more than 35 volunteer assignments in 17 countries. …

Colombian Youth Leaders Hit the Ground Running in 2022 with Youth Resilience Activity’s Support

At the end of last year, a record 1.2 million Colombian youth voted to elect 10,824 of their peers to …

Innovating Primary Education and Creating Jobs in Southern Kyrgyzstan

Aidana Alibaeva worked abroad for 10 years as a Chinese language interpreter. She was always inspired by her grandparents, who …

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Remote Volunteer Helps Students with Entrepreneurial Dreams in the Kyrgyz Republic

Paul Fisher has consulted for small businesses, served on negotiating committees representing both management and union interest, and taught accounting …

PhilCAFE’s 2021 Successes, Despite COVID-19 Challenges in the Philippines

The year of 2021, much like the previous, was all about adapting. In the Philippines, the five-year Philippine Coffee Advancement …

Fortification for Nutrition: Outcomes and Learnings from the USAID Cereal Market Systems Development Project (NAFAKA II)

Watch NAFAKA II’s final learning event: Fortification for Nutrition: Outcomes and Learnings from the USAID Cereal Market Systems Development Project …

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Q&A with Volunteer Providing Business Development Support to SMEs in Zambia

Lusekelo Mwafulilwa is a financial accountant who is partially qualified by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. A resident of …

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Internet of Things Technology Helps Filipino Coffee Farmers Boost Productivity

About 400 coffee farmers will soon be using internet-based technology to monitor and manage their farms. They have the Philippine …