
New Technology Turns Mobile Phone into Mobile Wallet in Ghana

When you ask farming entrepreneur John Nante Muyo if he’d rather carry a wallet full of Ghanaian cedi or his …

Ja REEACH Youth Climate Change Conference 2015 Launch

On May 6, 2015, the USAID-funded Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change (Ja REEACH) project and partners …

I-SMART v.2.0 Launched for Food for Peace Projects

Quality, reliable data is an essential part of any successful development project. Good data informs decision making, tests project hypotheses, …

Experts Discuss the Future of Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopia is the birthplace and Africa’s largest producer of Arabica coffee. With over 80 percent of Ethiopia dependent on agriculture, and …

Ethiopia Coffee Corps coffee washing station

ACDI/VOCA Joins Coffee Quality Institute and Allies in Gender Equity Research Initiative

Women in Ethiopia sort through coffee beans at coffee-washing stations. Next time you brew your morning cup of coffee, take …

Women Farmers in Ghana Gain Greater Access to Land

Although women do most of the agricultural work worldwide, they own very little of the land they farm. In Africa, …