
Affiliated Financial Institution Summit Explores Private Sector Approach to Development

ACDI/VOCA hosted the third annual Affiliated Financial Institution (AFI) Network Senior Manager Summit in Amsterdam in mid-August 2015. The AFI …

Egypt’s Global Reach

In today’s vibrant and competitive business environment, the importance of participating in the new global economy cannot be overemphasized as …

700 Afro-Colombian Kids Learn to Curb Disruptive Behavior and Promote Community

In Quibdó in northeastern Colombia’s Chocó department, ACDI/VOCA’s Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program (ACIP) addresses violence among the city’s youth through …

Industrial Chickpea Processor Boosts Quality to Reach Markets

In partnership with Agro Prom International, an Ethiopian food processor and exporter, ACDI/VOCA’s AGP-AMDe project officially inaugurated a new industrial …

kyrgyzstan wlsme second closeout

Celebrating Women Entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan

On August 28, 2015, hundreds of entrepreneurs, industry leaders, USAID representatives, and media gathered in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, to celebrate the …

Liberian Women’s Co-op Increases Income and Food Security

The Gbehlay Geh Rural Women Farmers’ Multipurpose Cooperative Society (GRWFMCS) is a women-managed cooperative in east-central Liberia. The cooperative has …

U.S. Congressional Delegation Visits ACDI/VOCA-Supported Coffee Co-op

A U.S. Congressional Delegation toured the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Union’s (YCFCU) processing plant in Addis Ababa during Obama’s state …

ACDI/VOCA Promotes Youth Opportunities

Globally, ACDI/VOCA implements agricultural programs that promote opportunities for smallholder farmers to improve their livelihoods. Today, on International Youth Day, …

President Obama visits ACDI/VOCA Ethiopia AMDe project

Obama Visits ACDI/VOCA Project Participant on July State Visit

During his recent two-day visit to Ethiopia late last month, the first by a sitting U.S. president, President Obama met …

Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer Helps Ghanaian Cashew Cooperative

Located in central Ghana’s Brong Ahafo region, the Busunya Cashew Farmers’ Cooperative (BCFC) is a perfect example of how the …

Ethiopian Coffee Cooperative to Double Exports

Over the last several years, the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperatives Union (YCFCU) had to turn away buyers due to an …

Photo Contest 2015

And the 2015 Annual Photo Contest grand prize winner is … Lauren Bell! Our 2015 contest has been a tremendous …