Partnership Between County and USAID Kenya Brings Clean Water to Isiolo Residents

Isiolo County’s Aroo Ngaremare ward is a growing community in Northern Kenya made up mostly of pastoralists from the Turkana, …

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This World Tourism Day, Volunteer Shares Experience Supporting Kyrgyzstan’s Budding Tourism Industry

Rich Harrill is a tourism and hospitality expert from South Carolina with more than 30 years of experience. He recently …

PhilCAFE Coffee Mentors Help Filipino Farmers Improve Production

In the Philippines, “coffee mentors” are lending their expertise to other coffee growers in a bid to improve farming practices. …

Colombia_PAR_GESI close out story

How Do We Reconcile a Post-Conflict Colombia? Boosting Economic Inclusion

By Katherine Ko, Daniel Sumner, and Melissa Matlock Decades of conflict may have divided Colombian communities, but a 2016 peace deal between …

USAID Program Reaffirms Commitment to Reconciliation with Colombian Media Outlets

Two events held in Bucaramanga and Bogotá, Colombia, recently helped spread awareness of lessons learned and future opportunities for reconciliation …

Paraguay DRRCD video screenshot

Riesgo y Liderazgo [Risk & Leadership] in the Paraguay Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Department

Access the Risk & Leadership video that outlines the activities of the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance’s Disaster Risk Reduction …

Transforming the Livestock Market in Northern Kenya

Learn more about the Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity here.

USAID Kuza Enables Disaster Risk Management Legislation, Collaboration for the Future

In Northern Kenya, drought, floods, locusts, diseases, and conflict over resources negatively impact the wellbeing of communities. The result is …

Female-Owned Apparel Factory Creates 70+ Jobs in Southern Kyrgyzstan

Nazirbek Toktonazarov had only graduated high school when he decided to leave his parents and move to Russia. Like thousands …

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ACDI/VOCA to Lead Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity

ACDI/VOCA is pleased to announce USAID/Bangladesh has selected ACDI/VOCA to lead the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity. …

PhilCAFE-people sorting coffee

PhilCAFE Reaches 445 Coffee Farmers with Radio & COVID-19 Adaptive Trainings

Restrictions related to COVID-19 have started to ease in most parts of the Philippines, though the country remains under Code …

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Beekeeping Protects Biodiversity & Offers Alternative Livelihoods for Liberian Women

Harvesting honey is a job traditionally associated with men because they are more able to work the late hours required …