ACDI/VOCA Burkina Faso trees

Planting Trees: An Investment in the Environment Improves Food Security and Nutrition

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, I am admittedly a bit of a tree hugger. …

ACDI/VOCA Sierra Leone Snap+ measuring child for development

Building Resilience During Humanitarian Crises

At Inside NGO’s recent Food Aid Roundtable, Matthew Nims, acting director of Food for Peace (FFP), spoke about the future …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda USAID-funded RWANU youth participant in agricultural field

Challenging Our Assumptions on How Best to Engage Youth

In 2016, I visited northern Uganda to assess the impact on youth of the Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition …

ACDI/VOCA volunteer Dr. Hameed

Growing Mushrooms in Ghana

Over the last two years, I traveled to the towns of Kumasi, in southern Ghana, and Haasto, near the capital …

ACDI/VOCA FEST Colombia youth engaged in electrical training

Can Youth Employment Build Peace in Colombia?

Colombia’s Congress recently signed a peace agreement ending a 50-year conflict with guerillas and paramilitary groups that left 250,000 people …

ACDI/VOCA Bangladesh project participant feeding cows

Harnessing the Power of Milk

I recently took part in a conference hosted by the Idaho Dairymen and the U.S. Dairy Export Council on dairy …

ACDI/VOCA Learning for Gender Integration (LGI) Initiative’s evaluation team in Nicaragua

Learning for Gender Integration: New Methods to Capture Stronger Evidence

The Learning for Gender Integration (LGI) Initiative’s evaluation team in Nicaragua   As a member of ACDI/VOCA’s gender team—and throughout …

ACDI/VOCA Liberia FIFES Community Forestry as a Business

Before and After: A Decade of Protecting Liberia’s Forests

In 2003, the departure of the former president Charles Taylor from Liberia marked the end of the country’s 14-year long …

ACDI/VOCA Ghana Volunteer David Ringuette

ACDI/VOCA Volunteer Helps Mango Farmers Improve Productivity

Mango growers in southern Ghana with ACDI/VOCA Volunteer David Ringuette (center), wearing gifts he received during their last session Ghana …

Uganda RWANU Farmer Field Day

Environmental Awareness in Uganda and at Home

Recent studies show that the human population’s growth rate is increasing by 1.11% per year. Less clear, however, are the …

ACDI/VOCA Famer to Farmer project participant in DRC

Moving Energy from Pastures to Cattle to You—and Back

Everyone should be good at something, right? Everyone should have one skill they practice their whole lives that their bodies …

ACDI/VOCA volunteer Phil Smith with the general director of a poultry company in Kumasi

ACDI/VOCA Volunteer Evaluates Assets for Ghana Poultry Company

In April, I arrived home from Ghana after completing an ACDI/VOCA volunteer assignment with the USAID-funded West Africa Farmer-to-Farmer Program …