Remarkable Progress, But 820 Million Still Hungry 

In the last four decades, the world has gotten incredibly better at addressing food insecurity. Roughly 40 years ago, my …

The Dirty Secret of Volunteering: You Get More than You Give 

Thank you, Peace Corps. In 1975, serendipity led me to you via an anonymous want ad touting “Teaching Positions Overseas.” An application and …

The Solution to Our Migrant Crisis Isn’t at the Border

When a complex, high-profile issue creates bold headlines and causes marching in the streets, I believe the problem cannot be …

Beach near ACDI/VOCA MERL learning event in Tanzania

Put Your Feet (Not Your Head) in the Sand

I sat in a beach chair at dawn, watching the sun rise over the Indian Ocean. Our organization was holding …


Development Works

I recently passed my 40th anniversary of joining the Peace Corps and going off to discover Africa. Ever since, I’ve …