Tamara Ljubinkovic is a vice president leading a team of project support professionals. Tamara brings 20 years of experience managing and implementing multi-million development programs in the Balkans, West Africa, and the Caucuses. Prior to joining ACDI/VOCA in 2005, Tamara worked in the NGO sector in post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she supported the implementation of USAID country projects. At ACDI/VOCA, Tamara has played key roles both at the Washington office and overseas, including more than three years in Ghana, where she managed the $8 million grant and subaward component for the Feed the Future Ghana Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement Project. Building on her years of experience managing projects and leading multicultural teams, Tamara also oversees project startup and closeout components and leads the development and implementation of corporate initiatives and special projects. Tamara holds a business degree from Graceland University and a PMD Pro Certification, among others.  
