Leveraging Economic Opportunities (LEO)

Fostering Inclusive Growth through Markets

Leveraging Economic Opportunities (LEO) was a three-year USAID-funded contract to support programming that fosters inclusive growth through markets.

  1. a systems approach to markets, acknowledging the complex interrelationships among market actors, market and household systems, climate change, nutrition, the policy environment, and sociocultural factors, including poverty and gender
  2. inclusion, recognizing the role that a spectrum of actors—from resource-poor households and small-scale enterprises to larger and more formal firms—play in catalyzing market change and growth that benefits the poor

Download the Inclusive Market Systems Framework >> (PDF, 338 KB).

  • Research: studies on market system-related topics that integrate the empowerment of women and youth, nutrition, climate change, and resilience
  • Analytics: end-market analyses, value chain analyses, analyses of policy and private-sector investment
  • Implementation support: technical assistance, training, financial services and innovative business models
  • Practitioner network development: facilitating collaborative learning
  • Local systems development: technical assistance to strengthen local systems
  • M&E: assistance in measuring systemic change

LEO pursued an ambitious research agenda related to different aspects of inclusive market systems development.

See a full listing of LEO’s work.

  • Center on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness, Duke University—conducted research on global value chains and their effects on poverty
  • EcoVentures International—expanded economic opportunities for disenfranchised, at-risk populations including the very poor, marginalized women, and youth
  • Impact LLC—provided services in research, impact assessment and evaluation for projects related to economic growth for poverty reduction
  • MarketShare Associates—brought expertise in monitoring systemic change, gender, and poverty-focused value chain development
  • Overseas Development Institute—informed policy and practice through research into poverty, resilience, and sustainable livelihoods
  • The SEEP Network—facilitated dialogue across organizations and regions, and promotes collaborative learning and the development of good practice
  • Oct. 2013–Sept. 2016
  • $21 million ceiling
  • Broad range of services
  • Simple buy-in process
  • Fixed MOBIS rates

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